Welcome to Monday everyone!
Today is the day we set the tone for the rest of the week!
If you are struggling, I am here for you!
Why not throw in a workout during lunchtime, or pre dinner!
Here is what we done this morning
Session A 6am
30 sec work 10 sec rest
30 minutes
Left leg backward stepping lunges
Right leg backward stepping lunges
Curtsy alternating sides
Lateral squat left (side squat)
Lateral squat right (side squat)
Sumo/goblet squats
Stiff leg deadlift
Glute bridge
Leg and arm raises
Session B 7am
45 work 15 rest
30 minutes
Double unders /Single unders/ air jacks/ high knees/ shuttle run
Broad jump
Double unders /Single unders/ air jacks/ high knees/ shuttle run
Leg raises/ leg extension/ single leg
I hope you have a great day and successful week! #monday #motivation #workout #mtpt #michaeltoddpersonaltrainer