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By Michael Todd

What are our kids eating!? and what are you doing about it!?

Healthy body vs unhealthy

When I think back to the school days, more specifically high school. I had no real knowledge about food, or any interest in the nutritional value of it for that matter. I would eat whatever was on my plate.

You would look forward to the Chippy on a Thursday after the beavers, or maybe a Maccys at the weekend.

At some point in the teenage years I was questioning my weight, and can remember having just a bottle of lucozade for my lunch thinking that would help me lose some weight by eating less. Stupid I know. I was none the wiser.

The saying if I knew back then what I know now is very relevant.

I can remember regularly feeling tired and sometimes falling asleep in classes. Struggling to concentrate. Not learning anything. This is no coincidence. My Blood sugar levels were spiking and crashing. I was no athlete.

The average lunch for everyone back then was a chippy or a pie from the butchers caked in sauce, followed by whatever was picked up at the newsagent. I can remember even one friend who used to fill a baguette with a chocolate bar.

You just have to take yourself down to the supermarket or local services at lunchtime nowadays and you can see it for yourself. Kids with mountains of processed food. I don't begrudge treats, what's worrying is that is all it really is. No nutritional value.

When I think back now I can see how nutrition played a massive part of what was going on. It's essential for growth after all.

It's a lot harder to explain the benefits of healthy eating to the younger generation. I don't ever recall much effort being put into spreading the news back then.. Times have changed!!

When you take into consideration what is being spent on a daily bases, you could spend the same prepping and providing a meal for everyday of the week. An actual meal, full of the good stuff. Not something that damages your blood cells, creates problems for your immune system and prevents normal bodily function.

I've found myself saying if I wouldn't feed that to my baby I shouldn't be eating it myself. It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60, you've got to look after you own health. The earlier you start the better. I know people that will say, "there is more to life than'.. well It depends entirely on what you see is life and living.

In short, to name a few changes;

Proper sleep and recovery

Consistent behaviour

Increased physical fitness including cardiovascular health(heart and lungs)

Higher concentration levels for better studying and learning in class

Heightened body confidence and overall wellbeing..

Would you want this for your children growing up?

There is no set age for people to take control of their own health, although the sooner you do... Well you can decide for yourself..

Based purely on my own views, having experienced my own problems in the past, I want a different future for my own children.

Thanks for reading

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