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Prevention is better than cure!

By Michael Todd

Forth bridges

Whilst following any type of training regime it is not uncommon to experience some sort of physical draw back. This could come in several forms, one in particular and speaking from experience is injury. It is something that I have found as a PT is actually of assistance in the fitness industry. If you can see it coming, you can avoid or at least help avoid that particular area with your clients. Injuries occur in individuals at beginner level all the way up to world class athletes. As we increase our physical capacity through training, features like coordination, agility & accuracy improve over time. Therefore our ability to move in a multidirectional manner improves. But accidents still happen. Some coming from overuse of the muscle, or some just simply from lack of personal care, mobility work, stretching etc. Whilst I was still in service I experienced issues with the ITB band in both legs. To quote runners world, Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common overuse injuries among runners. It occurs when the iliotibial band, the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin, is tight or inflamed. The IT band attaches to the knee and helps stabilize and move the joint. The only way I can describe this was imagine a knife being pushed into the side of your knee whilst you're running. I found out after a couple of years training that I over pronate, this means that my foot naturally rolls in when I run. This amplifying the effects of ITBS. This issue was cleared up with foam rollering, stretching and some ultrasound therapy, and the purchase of arch supporting trainers. The situation was totally avoidable, but I only introduced the care of myself after the problem had arisen, by then I had been out of training for at least a couple of months.

Try and implement a self maintenance program which you find yourself testing every joint and muscle regularly through its range of motion, where the area feels it is free from restriction, and doesn't hinder movement in any way. If you are not sure what you are doing, or don't feel confident, ask. #MTPT

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